Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ready? Aim. FIRE! Direct Mail that Works

Direct Mail
When Targeted, An Excellent Way To Reach Your Customer and Gain Sales!

Often scorned as junk mail or spam, direct mail is actually a very effective marketing tool. The most effective types of direct mail are postcards and direct e-mail. According to the USPS, an impressive 94% of postcards are read.

Effective direct marketing depends on three things:

Attention grabbing creative,
A high-impact message, and
A targeted list.

The real “catch” to direct marketing is a highly targeted, research-based list of recipients. When targeted, direct mail is an excellent way to reach your customers and increase sales.

If you don’t have a snail mail list, they are available for purchase from a host of companies. E-mail lists, however, must be permission-based to be legal and require a direct opt-in from the recipient and should never be purchased.

You may think – “I don’t know if I can afford a direct mail campaign.”

The real question is (as with any marketing medium you use) – can you afford not to?

Ask yourself how many customers you need in order to pay for a direct mail campaign? Chances are that number is lower than you think. And suddenly you are thinking strategically - the way people who run major corporations do - that marketing is an investment, one that will continue to net returns long after the initial implementation.

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